Many different matchbooks

All You Need to Know About the Matchbook/Matchbox Trend! 🔥

Originally Published Mar 09, 2025Updated Mar 10, 2025

Where are all the TikTok girlies at? If you’re a victim of endless doom-scrolling, don’t be too hard on yourself; some good things can come from being slightly too much on social media! One of these is that you’re inevitably aware of all the niche good trends before they become crazy popular and end up on everyone’s fyp!

If you’re part of the social media-savvy team, you have probably stumbled across the gorgeous matchbox/matchbook trend! Did it seem odd at first? Yeah, it did. But did you end up becoming completely obsessed with it? Well, yes, we all did! Its authentic and nostalgic vibes are hitting just the right spot for all of us craving some more vintage aesthetic in our lives! But what is this trend exactly? How can you make one yourself? What can you do with your matchbook/matchbox poster? Check out the rest of this article to find out all the answers!

Okay, What’s the Matchbook/Matchbox Trend? 🤔

Not obvious at first, right? But it’s actually quite simple! In its essence, this trend consists of creating matchbox/matchbook art! People collect, display, and personalize the matchboxes and matchbooks that they have in their collection, most often in a poster format.

However, let’s be very real here: we’re not all collectors! So, the most popular twist on the trend is to make your own design on Canva, using photos of matchboxes and matchbooks found on Pinterest and such. People add their own photos, whatever personal touches they fancy, and they have a lovely customized poster ready to go! Here's a little tip: read the rest of this article for the best solution to create your poster in only one simple step!

Do You Say Matchbook or Matchbox? 🤯

Both! When you look it up online, you can see that the terms “Matchbook” and “Matchbox” trends are used interchangeably most of the time. This is because most of the posters crafted consist of a mix of matchbooks AND matchboxes! You can, of course, choose to do one or the other; many people do! We’ll say “matchbox” for the rest of the article because saying both is a bit of a mouthful!

How Can I Make a Matchbook/Matchbox Poster Faster Than it Takes For an Alix Earle TikTok to go Viral? 🏎️

Listen up ladies, you’ve reached the most interesting part of this article. If you’ve completely fallen in love with the vintage, authentic, and nostalgic vibes of the trend, we bet you’re going to want to make one yourself.

However, if you’re being put off by the time and effort it requires (we like it short and snappy in this busy world), we have the perfect solution: create your customized photo matchbox poster with Picta! All you need is to add your own text and photos, order your poster, and pick it up in 1h at your local Walgreens or CVS!

Um, But Why Would I Want to Make One? 🤨

The answer is quite simple (like really simple): because there are so many different cool ways to use your matchbox poster! Here are our top three:

  1. Make it a gift for your bf/gf: A matchbox poster as a gift for your partner? This is a winner! Bonus tip: you can choose a particular theme to avoid getting overwhelmed by the number of cute photos of you guys that you have in your camera roll: your last holiday, your last year together, your first year together, and so much more!
  2. Keep it for yourself: I mean, who wouldn’t love to have a matchbox piece of art hanging in their living room? Add a nice frame to make it classier, and here you go, main character energy home decor unlocked!
  3. Use it as a travel keepsake: Choose your favorite pics from that oh-so-magical trip you took last year, write the names of your favorite places on the matchboxes, and you’ll have these amazing travel memories out in the open for everyone to admire!

Keep up to date with the Picta Blog if you want more explanations of all these crazy trends taking over your socials!


camille author

Written by Camille from Picta

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Camille LOVES writing fun and trendy articles to share the whole Picta’verse with you (because we’re about so much more than just printing pictures here)! Some fast fun facts: gym rat, bookworm, amateur baker, and die-hard Potterhead. If you look for them, you will find little hints of her love for all these different worlds hidden in her writing!

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