The 6 Best Ways to Use Posters to Decorate Your Home! 🖼️
Have you ever found yourself looking around your place and feeling like something is missing? Mulling it over in your head but simply not being able to pinpoint where that feeling of emptiness is coming from? Well, we have done a little enquiry on our side and have reached the following conclusion: this is usually due to naked walls! We tend to buy bits and pieces to style the furniture - a candle here, a plant there - but too often tend to forget to dress up our walls! Trust us, putting up a little wall decor is the ultimate way to completely transform your home vibe. And do you know what is the easiest wall decor out there? The one trick that requires minimal effort but does the job better than anything else? Photo posters! In this article, we’re going to reveal the best tips to play around with posters for a magic wand result.
Your Home Deserves the Best: Time to Give It Some Posters! 😍
Tip #1: Create a Gallery Wall
We know you’ve seen the trend all over your for-you-page back in September: gallery walls are definitely in! If you want to know all about them and how to create this luxurious demure and mindful aesthetic, head over to this article. Is there anything more chic than turning your house into an art gallery? I don’t think so!
Tip #2: Use Your Posters to Define Space
This is such an underrated use of posters - these babies can help you delineate areas in open concept homes or little apartments! For example: add a big poster right above your desk - cute office space unlocked! Or hang one right above your couch for an immediate living room effect! Posters can definitely help you clarify the layout of your home!
Tip #3: A Little Symmetry/Asymmetry Play
There is no easier way to play with your poster effect than to make the most of symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangements! Wanna go for a clean and balanced aesthetic? Symmetry is your best friend! Align a few posters of the same size in a straight line and you’re in for a treat! Looking for more dynamism? Hop in the asymmetry ride! Arrange posters of different sizes in whatever style you want and get ready to rock!
Tip #4: Use Posters to Add Color
Brightly colored posters can easily liven up a neutral space while a black & white choice can bring it much sophistication! Take your pick! If you opt for bright colors, the easiest way to ensure maximum cohesion in your home decor is to incorporate the colors of your poster in a few other pieces, such as cushions, candles, or blankets!
Tip #5: Rotate Posters Seasonally
Okay, this has been my favorite trick for years and years. Back to my high school era, when I didn’t have an ounce of home decor savviness, I was already switching the prints on my wall for each season to make sure my room matched the outside vibe. So, I can guarantee you that rotating your posters whenever a new season comes knocking on the door is one of the best home decor tricks that exists out there! So print out those frosty winter vibes and airy spring aesthetic posters!
Tip #6: Mix it All Up!
Posters are elite, but if you combine them with shelves, mirrors, or other wall pieces, you’re in for an even more spectacular effect! You can also put in a little texture/material action with some wood and metal frames to add a bit of contrast to your wall setup.

Written by Camille from Picta
View all postsCamille LOVES writing fun and trendy articles to share the whole Picta’verse with you (because we’re about so much more than just printing pictures here)! Some fast fun facts: gym rat, bookworm, amateur baker, and die-hard Potterhead. If you look for them, you will find little hints of her love for all these different worlds hidden in her writing!